Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Holy Week Devotion: The Disciples

Reading: Mark 14:43-50
Reflection: “They deserted and fled”

The promises of earlier that night drifted far from them. As Jesus stood and watched one whom he had trusted, one whom he had chosen, come with a gang of seeming vigilantes, with clubs and with swords, coming to arrest this troublemaker. And they did it under cover of darkness, as Jesus said, “I was with you in the temple each day. You come here under cover of darkness. You come here to hide behind the veil of the night." As all of those who desire to remove Jesus from our lives, they do it under cover of something else.

And all of the disciples who were with him, they all deserted and fled and took off into the darkness, into the night that surrounded them, so that they would not be found. So that they could not be seen, so that they would not be recognized, so that they would remain hidden. Because they did not want to associate themselves with this man, with this one who had been arrested and taken away. They knew what they had said, they knew what Jesus had promised to them, but still when the crisis came, their words were simply words. Those who had said they would not desert him, those who said they would not deny him, took off and ventured into the darkness. Wondering if they would see one another, wondering what would become of Jesus, and wondering what would become of themselves. Asking so many questions, of themselves, of their souls, and of their hearts.

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